Day 2 of 75

 Apparently, a few of you were concerned that I would be twerking throughout my plan.  TWEAKING the plan.

What makes the misread even funnier... my back is sorta out.

I actually did it on Saturday- the day before I decided to do this.  We'll say it was my rock bottom...

I pulled out my back putting on my underwear.


You read that right.

I was putting on my underwear after taking a quick afternoon shower and then PING.. out goes my back.

I am in that bad of shape.

Granted, 10 years ago, I was in better shape and threw my back out doing a jigsaw puzzle.  

ANYHOW- I could throw in the towel, but I didn't.  I did my ten minutes this morning on the treadmill and even went a little longer.  Sitting makes me uncomfortable.  I read. I meditated.  I'm slowly reducing my crappy food intake.  It's all good.

But here's what's on my mind- yesterday was National Mental Health Day. 

As the pandemic winds down and we return to normal, it's been hard.  It was hard to quarantine.  It's hard to come out of quarantine.  The air is brown.  There's another paper shortage.  The mail is slow. Masks suck. Covid sucks.  People are dying.

Is anyone happy?

It does not seem that way.

Since I pride myself on zigging when others zag, I decided to stop being depressed and sad. (And this is not to minimize legitimate depression-- I'm talking about the emotion of depression.  Not the chemical imbalance kind). That's it.  I'm done.  I'm over it. I truly have very little to be depressed about.

Granted, pulling your back out putting on underwear is a little depressing, but it's actually even funnier than it is depressing.  Especially if you could have seen it.  I mean, truthfully, NO ONE needed to see it- but dang, it really was funny.  

I have an amazing life.  I truly love what I do, I have a great husband, my kids are fantastic and my friends are ridiculously fun.  

But the funk of ick still gets to me. 

So I turned to my library of resources.  Ted Talks.

This is worth the nearly 20 minute listen.  Retrain your brain to be happy

I'm trucking through the next 75 days, trying to regroup, and I'm going to use these tips along the way.  Start the day by being grateful.  Sounds good to me.  

Maybe on Christmas Eve- Day 75, I'll be in such a better place, I may just twerk for joy.


Anonymous said…
May your new chapter write itself as a bouyant and inspiring

May I be so bold as to suggest that you find yourself a good
orthopedic spine specialist (not a chiropractor - world of
difference there!) by Xmas, if you’re serious about that
twerking stuff - ?
Trust me on this.
As a woman whose back has gone out three separate
times in the past quarter century doing battle with - I kid
you not - empty cookie sheets (!?), I have some expertise
in this area.
If (god forbid) panties end up being anywhere as tenacious
and vindictive an adversary for you as cookware has been
for me, you may very well need that ortho doc in the speed
dial sooner or later anyway, regardless of twerking pursuits.

But seriously - you GO, Mama Bean!
It’ll get easier, and the smoky plaguescape will fade
and make way for better things.


PS - Ot”yebis’, bots!

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